

You are viewing stuff tagged with burping.

Guy in the Library

I just have to write this right now: there’s a guy in the library who comes in here and just sits there and burps to himself. I mean COME ON. This is bunk. He needs some medication, or to NOT EAT before he comes in the library. Luckily, I’ve got Jónsi rocking on the iTunes, so the burps just barely penetrate the heavenly, joyful melodies I’m enjoying. Here, try the song Hengilás.

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Guinness Book of World Records: Loudest Burp

Guinness Book of World Records: Loudest Burp - Just when you thought this website was getting some class … it was time to dispel that myth.

By the way, 110dB is the sound level of the front row of a rock concert. This guy hit 118.1dB.