
At the Hospital

At the Hospital

I think Mykala had been up for 38 hours at this point. Nice smile!


I went to bed on Tuesday evening, expecting to head to work the following morning, a little disappointed that our baby girl’s due date, July 22, had come and gone without a hint of her arrival. But instead of sleep, I felt Mykala’s gentle nudge and heard her voice just a few hours later at 3am: “My contractions started, I think.” She sounded so calm that it took me the better part of an hour to fully wake up and realize that this is The Big Show. We began timing duration and interval of contractions, and true to my computer geekery, I created a new text document in BBEdit that I would later save as labor.txt, here’s a snippet:


My Birthday

What a great birthday. I got to sleep in for real and then as if still in a dream, I opened my eyes to a perfect, sunny day. Not too hot or cold, and beautiful. Mykala and I had a spectacular brunch at Woodbury Café; she gave me a card that made me tear up as I read it. Then we went home and sat outside on our patio and actually caught the first sun rays of the year. We’re a little pink right now.



It’s bitterly cold, the kind of cold that elicits pain the minute the wind hits your skin, and we got some delicious Indian takeout for Mykala’s birthday. We’re sitting at home surrounded by gifts from people who love my wife, and this is precisely the type of moment from which you want to build your life. Happy Birthday, my love.

Spring Christmas

It’s almost mid-April and we’re coming into a huge snowstorm. They’re saying somewhere between 8 and 20 inches starting tonight and continuing tomorrow. Mykala has planned a Christmas dinner for tomorrow night, the Santa nightlight is plugged in, I’m listening to Christmas music (“Christmas with the Rat Pack”), and getting a game of TextTwist going.


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Vegan Quiche

Vegan Quiche

Mykala made this incredible vegan quiche for my birthday. Wish I had gotten the depth of field right on this one, but I think the picture still captures the deliciousness.



Chocolate Cake

Chocolate Cake

This is cake bunting.

26 Years

26 Years

Check out that DELICIOUS chocolate cake (made with root beer for extra deliciousness, too).

These are the Days

I had a wonderful weekend with Mykala: we celebrated my birthday Friday night with a little dental school shirt shopping and Cheesecake Factory dinner. It’s almost warm enough to eat outside — summer is still struggling to get its act together. I pretended to be warm for the duration of our meal out on the restaurant’s patio… but I somehow don’t think I was fooling anyone. If Mykala asks though, I was perfectly toasty — I have to maintain some masculine bravado, even if it’s only in the realm of temperature tolerance.


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22 with Background

22 with Background



Happy Birthday, Mykala!

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Cake from the side

Cake from the side

Cake from the top

Cake from the top

The “Birthday” text got a little cut off, but I really thought that gave the cake more character.

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Warm Cake

Warm Cake

Mykala’s red velvet cake was a little too warm for frosting. Whoops.

Mykala’s Birthday

Happy Birthday, dear Mykala! As you turn a year older, I’d like to take a moment to remind you that the best is yet to come. You are always on my mind, and always in my heart. It bears repeating: Happy Birthday — I’m looking forward to celebrating many more with you.


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Most Common Birthday

The most commonly occurring day of birth is October 5:

So why October 5? Just a random date? Perhaps, but Anybirthday has a theory: To be born on this date, a baby would most likely have been conceived on New Year’s Eve.

The survey also found May 22 to be the least common birthday. As yet, no guesses as to what it is that happens in late August (nine months prior to that date) that routinely turns so many people off. Perhaps it’s just too darn hot?


Happy Birthday

Warner Chappell Music owns the copyright to the song “Happy Birthday to You.” You may view the lyrics and request a license for performing the song in public. Can I get a “lame”?

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