

You are viewing stuff tagged with bbc.

Isner v Mahut

The longest tennis match IN HISTORY is currently tied, 59 games all. Some comments from the Hacker News thread on the topic highlighted the hilarious commentary from the liveblog at the BBC, covering the match:


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North Korea Report

BBC News - Newsnight - Life inside the North Korean bubble:

North Korean TV only broadcasts hagiographies of the two leaders and pictures celebrating the country’s army, model farms, model villages etc.
Our minders had probably never seen any other kinds of news item or documentary about their country or the rest of the world.
They were not allowed to, and they could not, because no-one has access to the internet in North Korea.


The theremin is played without touching it

The theremin is played without touching it - An electronic instrument invented by a Russian scientist in the early 1900’s … it’s responsible for some creepy sound effects in movies (especially in the 50’s), but also playable as a ligitimate musical instrument.
