

You are viewing stuff tagged with bathrooms.


Today, while walking by the bathroom near the post office on campus, my nostrils were assaulted by a most pungent odor. It smelled like somebody had forgotten to flush. Or died. Or forgotten to flush and then died. Or died, and as a result of being no longer among the living, failed to flush.


Embarass yourself

Embarass yourself - This fantastic blog entry chronicles the author’s need to explain his restroom activities to a co-worker. I have to admit, I identify with the writer in that I also tend to worry unduly about what others are thinking of me. The consequences of this worry can be serious. And hiliarious.


I was thinking I would state what this post is all about “right out” at the beginning of this post, but then I realized it would be better to get as much fun out of this as possible, leading you guys down the dramatic pathway of blog posting. (Well, dramatic pathway/trail/byway/highway/beltway is a bit of a stretch seeing as this blog never has been all that dramatic in the first place. It would be rather presumptuous of me to suddenly assume my mediocre writing could elicit the emotion of drama in your collective hearts. Work with me here.) I’ve also been thinking how to best phrase this post, because the subject dealt with here is a rather sensitive one. I’ll try to walk the line here and make this work.


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The couple who advertise the presence of bathrooms has begun dating

The couple who advertise the presence of bathrooms has begun dating - And they are holding hands. Aww.