

You are viewing stuff tagged with banana.

Banana Fairy

Banana Fairy


Ess is negotiating with a tickle-banana brandished by her mama.

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Eating a Banana

Eating a Banana

Princess and Banana

Princess and Banana

The most toddlery morning: find your almost year-old Easter dress in the closet, put it on over your clothes, then eat a banana on the couch in the sun.

Pronouncing Banana

Saving Essie’s pronunciation of banana for posterity.

Four Things about Ess

Hi Essie,

It has been so long since I have written to you! I must record a few things here that I fear we will forget:

(1) You have some things right now that make you unreasonably excited. When you are this excited, you’ll sit on the ground, stare at the object of your affection, stick your arms and legs straight out, tiny hands balled into fists, and go “AAAAAAAAH.” You’ll do this until you get to hold the thing, or until it is taken out of your sight. These things include:


Banana Days

Inspired by our uneaten bunch of bananas, which must be eaten quickly while ripe, I’m proud to announce my invention: Banana Days. Right now, it’s “Banana Days 2012”, which will last until May 4th. I’ve decided Banana Days will be annual, beginning on the first of May, ending the first Friday after. Some years, Banana Days will be poorly named, and will only be one day in length. Festive activities will be banana-based.

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Banana Equivalent Dose

Banana equivalent dose - Wikipedia:

A banana equivalent dose is a concept occasionally used by nuclear proponents to place in scale the dangers of radiation by comparing exposures to the radiation generated by a common banana.


Banana smoothies

Mykala learned that you can produce an ice cream substitute using just a banana and a blender. The frozen delicacy apparently feels quite similar to ice cream in one’s mouth. She puréed an entire banana down to a surprisingly small amount of brown sludge… probably 2 tablespoons. So, Mykala’s first attempt went like so:


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Banana Guard

Banana Guard - Plastic container storing and transporting individual bananas.