

You are viewing stuff tagged with ambergehring.

Cloud Ceiling

Cloud Ceiling

At Justin and Amber’s wedding, we’ve this lovely ceiling!

DDR Extreme

A week or something ago (time is fuzzy lately), John hosted a great DDR Extreme party in which we all got together and played the new game. I am rusty since last year, but it felt good to play just a bit. Ping pong, pizza, dancing, sweating, laughing, they all came together for an excellent Friday night. I owe Mykala quite a bit, she gave me a ride there, and stayed to play. She played! DDR! That was, suffice to say, really cool.



Justin and I talked about a bunch of things today. I don’t know if we are the type to sit down to coffee (or something similar, I don’t really like caffeine) and shoot the breeze/chit-chat/catch-up for hours. Maybe we are. Either way, when we have something to work on, we communicate quite well and naturally. Today we helped me out a lot by faxing the ISSN registration papers (20 to 30 business days to process…wow), registering tumbledry.org, examining the options at alterahosting.com, and mod_rewriting. About mod_rewrite: it’s unbelievable! The ability to secure a site through regular expression pattern matching and subsequent spitting outage of a Forbidden page is wonderful. So here I am, slowly coding and re-coding, checking and re-checking some mod_rewrite code so we can submit it and have it added to the VirtualHost (which we can’t do very often, it isn’t an automatic feature). I consider myself greatly blessed to be able to add mod_rewrite rules to the VirtualHost without possessing a dedicated server.
