
Albert Einstein Quote

If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut.

— Albert Einstein

Robert Frost Quote

The best way out is always through.

— Robert Frost

Great post with advice for first time Dads

Great post with advice for first time Dads - Archived with the hope that tumbledry is still around when I say “holy cow I’m going to have a baby and have no idea what is going on.”

Daniel Rutter Quote

… the secret of great photography is large amounts of bad photography.

— Daniel Rutter


Salon - One of the best online magazines in existence. Imagine crossing The New Yorker with Slate, and now you’re talking.

Keillor’s Law

Keillor’s Law - This will be printed out, because I need something like this to live by:

“If the romance or marriage needs help, the answer almost always is Have More Fun. Drop your list of grievances and go ride a roller coaster. Take a brisk walk. Dance. Take a trip to Duluth. Read Dickens.”

Spontaneity Exercise 115

We all want a home. We all want a place to come home to. We all need a place where we are loved and where we are safe. We all cry. We all laugh. We all love.

The why’s the when’s the where’s and the how’s don’t matter anymore. Can you see that? Can you peer through the muck that this world throws on your windshield and see the truth? If you find out how, please tell me.
