
Ready to Eat

Ready to Eat


Dear Essie,

You are one room over, humming a tune to yourself while you write a chapbook about mermaids using the stickers that Mama got you as illustrations. (I’m getting regular updates: it’s a great book.) I’m here in the next room watching the snow fall and ruminating about the world you’ll someday confront; all its inequities, violence, duplicity, rigged systems, cruelties. But those worries are not for you right now.

The world out there can wait.


Justice on the Brink

I sent poor Mykala a 1,361 word screed, generously quoting Linda Greenhouse, about why the Supreme Court is broken for the foreseeable future. Before I paste in parts of that here, consider this:

New York Times public editor Daniel Okrent said that he has never received a single complaint of bias in Greenhouse’s coverage.

Greenhouse wrote for the Times for thirty years.

Anyhow, onward, beginning with a quote from a recent Fresh Air interview:

DAVE DAVIES: I guess the Trump appointees were unwilling to grant that request by the Trump administration on the election cases, particularly the election cases alleging fraud and theft of votes. The court pretty much shut those down quickly with the Trump appointees agreeing with the majority. What can you say about the extent to which these three appointees were willing to, you know, go by the president’s wishes?

LINDA GREENHOUSE: Well, what I say in the book is that they assisted in saving the court. And what I meant by that was had the court granted any of these Trump election cases, it would have been an institutional disaster, not only for the country because, obviously, there was no fraud in the election and, obviously, Trump was not robbed of an election victory. That’s clear. We can agree on that. But for the court to have given in to the series of requests that came, including that crazy case that Texas brought against the states that Texas claimed should have gone for Trump but didn’t - you know, it just would have been an institutional disaster for the Supreme Court. And obviously, the court was well aware of that.

Like, holy shit, Linda Greenhouse, three-decade expert on the Supreme Court, is saying that the fucking Supreme Court of the United States of America was just saving its own ass when it came down on the side of the facts and our democracy in 2020 election disputes. And not only that, the Court did so with the least amount of effort: they didn’t even take the opportunity to set a PROBABLY EXTREMELY USEFUL SOMETIME SOON PRECEDENT about election disputes. I mean I’m hyperventilating with anger just writing these sentences.

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Black Cat

Black Cat

Witch, Cat, Wizard

Witch, Cat, Wizard

Wizard, Cat, Witch

Wizard, Cat, Witch

Ess was so excited for Halloween, she recorded two original songs and threw a spooky party for us on like October 1st. So you can imagine how happy she was when we made it to the actual day. She picked our costumes, Mykala found all the pieces for them. We got to return to trick-or-treating after taking 2020 off, and it was such fun. It is true you can’t go back, but it is peaceful and joyful and fulfilling to see it again through your child’s eyes.

Years from now, I’ll look back on this day and smile.

Seeing the Sights

Seeing the Sights

Cowgirl Ess

Cowgirl Ess

Lake Path

Lake Path

On the Deck

On the Deck
