Happy Birthday
Here’s everyone singing Happy Birthday to You while Ess continually asks where her cake is.
Here’s everyone singing Happy Birthday to You while Ess continually asks where her cake is.
These little pots and pans are from my mom; Ess loves to shuttle little cashew pieces between them and “heat UP”.
We grew this Japanese eggplant in our garden. Mykala sampled it: tasted awful. The tomatoes, though — Brandywine heirloom variety — have exceeded our wildest expectations in taste, sweetness, and quantity.
Ess loves this. Doesn’t know how to pedal yet (her legs don’t reach, which doesn’t help); so we’re going to add in the ‘Ess gets to steer’ feature soon.
A gift from Auntie Katy to Ess. She (Ess) has her own unique counting style right now. Colors are down pretty well, working on numbers.
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