Kourtni and Arlene have this portable hammock that is designed for backpacking — you can sling it up anywhere you find two trees. Ess loves it.
Kourtni and Arlene have this portable hammock that is designed for backpacking — you can sling it up anywhere you find two trees. Ess loves it.
Ess reminded me for like 90 days straight to “water ‘matos.” Here is one of the first fruits of our labor.
That looks like a misshapen egg in the background, but it’s actually a mini fake plastic piece of bread.
Ess calls the little cereal pieces in the orange snack container “bear cereal” since there’s a picture of a panda bear on the side of the box.
Ess is holding a basil leaf, which she calls baytil. She eats them, like just bites off fresh basil leaves.
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