


Mykala made this dress for Ess, and it was the best choice during a hot hot fair outing earlier this month.

Dad’s Chair

Dad’s Chair

This was mine when I was little. Now, Ess fits in it! Her posture shows that she was trying to bop-a-dee in it (tough on a braid rug).

Flying Essie’s First Kite

Flying Essie’s First Kite

The sign in the background says “Happy Summer”.



Flower for Mama

Potato Head

Blanket Doors

Blanket Doors

The blanket from Sue has doors on it - behind each one are people Ess loves or animals she recognizes.



Mykala’s aunt Sue asked what Ess likes, and based on that made her this blanket. It is a very nicely made blanket and there are many, many lady bugs on it.

Ess and Doll

Ess and Doll

This is duck baby, Essie’s doll that looks, to her, like a duck when it has a pacifier on. In this picture, they are napping.

Baby Own

Whenever Ess wants to do something by herself, she says “baby own”, or a lot of times “NO baby-OWN!” Here, she was in good spirits, and wanted to baby own in the hammock.
