In which we decorate the tree and leave a deep hole in the floor by dropping a snowflake ornament (listen for it).
In which we decorate the tree and leave a deep hole in the floor by dropping a snowflake ornament (listen for it).
When you want to save everything and forget nothing, you are always stretched between participating and documenting.
At the warming house, picking out our Christmas tree at Krueger’s.
Mykala MADE these masks. MADE them. Ok, Esmé’s was store-bought, but the other three, she made. This seems to be a theme with my posts — check out what Mykala made (as Ess would say, with her one-two mama meow paws).
Ess: Katerina Kitty Cat
Mykala: Mama Meow
Dada: Dada Owl
Marge: Supporting Cat (Unnamed)
Mykala made these edible wonders for Halloween and they tasted delicious. The arms were grown in our garden! (Rosemary.)
“A little green food coloring will be fine; the monster looks amazing!” — I wasn’t trying to belittle Mykala’s awesome work, but now that I type it out, I bet it seemed that way.
Ever inventive and vigilant, Mykala responded: “I didn’t color it with food coloring, though.”
Dada Owl, running behind the healthy food train, as usual! Ess and I are extremely lucky to enjoy healthy, creative, DELICIOUS, but also fun foods prepared by Mykala. I think Ess and I will learn a lot in the kitchen in the future.
Never used a selfie stick or worn a bow-tie. Two firsts in one wedding. Love you, Bun.
At the Jennifer Kling-Ryan Deisler wedding.
Ess picked out these sunglasses from her diaper bag, and decided it was time to start motoring around. My favorite 7-second video I’ve ever made.
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