That silicone green half-sphere is a soft-boiled egg maker. Ess uses it as a bed for people. Her Playmobil Friend is in there, and she’s telling me about the mama and the dada taking care of Friend.
That silicone green half-sphere is a soft-boiled egg maker. Ess uses it as a bed for people. Her Playmobil Friend is in there, and she’s telling me about the mama and the dada taking care of Friend.
The most toddlery morning: find your almost year-old Easter dress in the closet, put it on over your clothes, then eat a banana on the couch in the sun.
Ess, you are growing up so fast. I love you.
There was a giant aquarium in front of us, hence the blue cast.
Ess decided that Marge the monkey was only going to be able to sleep if Ess arranged every single one of the available towels and washclothes in a tasteful melange about the outside of the crib. Lately, Ess also takes a stuffed animal, puts it down for its nap, and then piles layer after layer of blankets on them. She takes very good care of her charges.
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