
Easter Dress 2017

Easter Dress 2017

Dada Mio

These little people are called “MiO” and they’re wonderful. They come in a pretty neat house, too. From Manhattan Toy Company.

Front Seat

Front Seat

Taking Toonie out for a Spin

Taking Toonie out for a Spin

Giving Toonie a Ride on the Swing

Toonie Ate

“Toonie you ate! I am SO HAPPY you ate!”

Clean Up Pickup

Singing Clean Up Pick Up Put Away from Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood.

Nannie, Ess, and an old outfit

Nannie, Ess, and an old outfit

Ess didn’t have a change of clothes, so here she is in an old outfit of mine. She’s holding Greenie, the toothbrush.

Feeding Toonie

Feeding Toonie

At the Crayola Experience
