


Mykala, Esmé, Marge

Mykala, Esmé, Marge



Mother’s Day

Next year, I bet Ess will say it without any prompting.

Heading Out

Heading Out

Now that is one impressive accidental color-coordination. Highly visible, very safe: I approve!

St. Croix Panoramic

St. Croix Panoramic

At the shores of the St. Croix river, just off old downtown Stillwater.



I haven’t been yet, but I hear Ess goes for explores with Mykala in the pocket of trees on the trail near our house. She insists on picking up all of the leaves and branches off of the path.

In this picture, she’s wearing her turtle backpack, which she packed with a crew of animals, figures, stuffed vegetables, and other supplies she felt necessary.

I love this picture.

Rock Painting

Mykala and Ess are a great painting team. I love this exchange:
“Here you go rock, there you go rock, gonna paint you rock. Rock live on paint. Paint live on rock. The rock cannot see you.”
“No? Why?”
“‘Cause the rock is hiding in the paint!”

Toonie’s House

This is Toonie’s house. Essie’s gesticulations and speech have changed so dramatically in the past six months—I love when she corrects me when I’m not being precise enough or, in this case, when one of us may be imagining something differently than she.


Bug House and Grass

Bug House and Grass
