
Big Playground Swing

If you don’t start playing at the playground as early as possible in the season, you won’t maximize your playground days!

Owl Marriage #2

Owl Marriage #2

Owl Marriage

Owl Marriage

Bride Owl

Bride Owl

I have a few old Sylvanians that Ess found at my parent’s house, and this is one of the owl family. Mykala made this wedding dress for the mama owl, at Essie’s request.

Ess With Her Bones Book

Ess With Her Bones Book

Ess wanted to dress up with this scarf, in preparation for going to The Rainforest Café.

Reading the Bones Book

“I’m tinier than a pinky nail. I’m so tiny tiny tiny in your hand. Wow.”

This is Ess “reading” from her Bones book, one of her favorite books she has ever checked out from the library. The full title: Book of Bones: 10 Record-Breaking Animals written by Gabrielle Balkan and illustrated by Sam Brewster.

Ess in the Cold

Ess in the Cold

Me and Ess Outside

Me and Ess Outside

Going Down the Slide

Going Down the Slide

Ess has since outgrown it, but she used to always want to sit on my lap down the slide.

Me and Ess

Me and Ess
