
Stuff from September, 2017

This is the archive of tumbledry happenings that occurred on September, 2017.

Sand Heart

Sand Heart

Checking out the Water

Checking out the Water

Ready for Fireworks

Ready for Fireworks

Fourth of July Dancing



Making Cake





Took a long weekend, my first time away from Ess and Mykala for any real length of time, and went to Chicago with Nils and company for his bachelor party. We had a great time! This was taken at the Pitchfork Music Festival.

My dad always talked about how fun it was to travel, but that he missed being able to share what he was seeing with his family. On this trip, I found out exactly what he meant. Walking downtown Chicago during the gorgeous summer weather, seeing the lake up close, eating at Longman & Eagle, playing foosball at a 1980s style arcade, seeing just how big a city can be from the window of its transit. Makes you want to share it.


Full Truck

Pants Head

Pants Head

Birthday Bugs

Birthday Bugs

Mykala put together a ladybug picnic-themed birthday for Essie’s third. These treats were delicious AND cute.

Bug Cake

Mykala outdid herself with Essie’s birthday cake this year.


Best part of this video is the end: Ess singing happy birthday using only the word ‘flutter’.

Third Birthday Cake

Third Birthday Cake

Essie’s third birthday cake. Hand-baked from scratch by Mykala (blueberry dye to get the frosting Essie’s favorite color: purple).

Moana Birthday Boat

Moana Birthday Boat

So here’s a cool thing: Kourtni and Arlene put their heads together and engineered this collapsible cardboard boat from the Disney movie Moana (Essie’s favorite movie this summer). Ess LOVED it and started pretending in it right away.

Sailing the Moana Boat

Birthday Girl

Birthday Girl

Kite Ribbon

Flying a Kite

Flying a Kite

Compare to last year’s picture of summer kite-flying. How Ess has grown in just a year!

Sitting on my Shoulders

Sitting on my Shoulders


I think you’ll see the poetry here. No need for an affecting soundtrack, the wind and the shoes in the grass serve just fine.

Last Day of Two

Essie’s birthday party was held the last day she was two; this is that evening. She turned three the next day.


Blowing Out Candles

Excitement, fear, fire, birthday, baked goods, smoke, relief, clapping. It’s all there, in under 30 seconds.

Making Pizza

Two Bees

Two Bees

Bluegrass Heat

Bluegrass Heat

Ess and Mykala went to the Bluegrass and Old Time Music Festival when I was gone, and it turns out it was unbelievably hot there. Ess was melting. Mykala was melting. They went home and got cooled down.

Essie and Purple

Essie and Purple



Grown Up

Grown Up





This the first brandywine tomato from our garden this year. Brandywines are the best tomatoes you can grow.

Ess & Nannie

Ess & Nannie

Butterfly Wings

Butterfly Wings

The Washington County Fair had a charming butterfly booth staffed by volunteers, many of whom also worked at the U. That’s why Mykala and I liked it. Ess liked it because they had awesome butterfly wings.

Ant Hat

Ant Hat

This was after seeing the Okie Dokie Brothers at the Walker Art Center and then making an ant hat for a performance of Ants by the Polyglot Theatre.

Talking about Food


Ess is negotiating with a tickle-banana brandished by her mama.

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Taking a Friend on the Bike

Taking a Friend on the Bike

Stopping by Playground on a Sunny Day

Stopping by Playground on a Sunny Day

Safety Mykala

Safety Mykala

Evening Playground

When I’m older, this is probably how my brain will remember every single time we went to the playground: perfect summer evening, sun setting making everything glow, Essie having the time of her life.

At Nils’ Wedding

At Nils’ Wedding

State Fair

State Fair

Ess did amazingly well at the State Fair this year — loved the talent show, tromped around with us for a good four hours. Tough view for her though, seeing thousands of people’s knees.

Corn on the Cob

Corn on the Cob

Sitting Forward

Sitting Forward

After an amazingly long time facing the back of the car (over three years!), this is the day after Ess said she wanted to face the front. Shortly after this was taken, she saw the windshield wipers going for the first time, and literally was squealing with delight watching them swish swoosh back and forth across the windshield.


Ess has a stuffed finger-puppet parrot, and she insists that this type of bird is pronounced “paragraph.”