
Not-silent Night

Mykala just told me a story about changing Ess, which inspires me to record this: I was changing Essie’s diaper a few days ago and she was a little squirmy, so I thought I’d sing her “Silent Night”. I began: “Silent Night,” so far so good “Hol-” *fart*. She only let me get through two words before she vetoed the song. Tried again later in the changing, same result.

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John +1

It’s interesting isn’t it? Lucy couldn’t stand diaper changes when she was a newborn, then she learned to love them, and now having gained a sense of mobility - diaper changes and dressing have become terribly difficult again! Ah the roller-coaster of parenthood.

Alexander Micek

Oh, exactly! It’s like Essie’s now coordinated enough to help but that is definitely not her preference. Luckily, the diaper changes were easier when we were amateur parents.

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