
That’s it from 2007

Well, I guess this will about do it for 2007. Mykala and I are baking a cake and watching Comcast channel 107 “CURNT,” which is broadcasting the entire Radiohead In Rainbows album, entitled “Scotch_Mist: a film with Radiohead in it”. It’s really fun to see them (Radiohead) record in these video vignettes. Right now, they are performing “Faust Arp” on a hill in front of a sunset. It’s cooler than my adjective-poor description would have you imagine.


It’s been a quite a year. Didn’t get into school, graduated, studied for the DAT during a rather relaxing summer (lots of 10 mile runs this summer), took the DAT, got a job at 3M, moved into an awesome apartment in Saint Paul, got into school, and tried to tease out the meaning of life as it relates to my puny existence. High five to 2007. High hopes for 2008.

Now is as good a time as any to share my future plans for tumbledry. Dental school = four years of not very much free time to work on tumbledry. Therefore, in the next sixth months I have to work towards something to stabilize the site re:hosting, code, etc. I simply will not have time to move the site to another server in the middle of school, so I need to take steps now to ensure that tumble service continues uninterrupted throughout my professional education. Regardless, the feature set of tumbledry is such that it can go into low maintenance mode where comments are all turned off… however, since we don’t usually get a lot of comments here from random people, I may not turn off all comments. Besides, the feedback from you guys is one of my favorite parts about tumbledry. Also, with regard to pictures… I don’t think I’ll be able to continue a daily picture. It’s looking as though the pictures will be posted on a weekly basis instead. Special events, holidays, etc. will get more pictures… but I think the photographic component I so cherish will have to go into a low-power mode for a while. Furthermore, the ratio of links to posts (such as this one) will change — I expect to focus solely on documenting humorous anecdotes, life situations, life events, and so on, instead of the endless “hey look at this cool thing” that is so common on the site right now.

Happy New Year!

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